There are three main types of gender indicators (see Box 7 for further reading);menus of possible gender indicators are provided for each sector discussed in Section 7. Indicators should be selected after gender-sensitive consultation with clients and beneficiaries. Projects are likely to choose from one or more of these categories, depending on resources available and interest in project impacts:

  • Project performance indicators
    monitor implementation progress (e.g., kilometers of flood-dikes built, number of people trained by a specific date during the project implementation period). Project performance indicators measure intermediate results during implementation. They differ from results indicators due to the timeframes involved.
  • Results indicators
    measure quantitative and qualitative dimensions that are expected at the end of the project and compared to pre-set targets (e.g., service satisfaction indicators).
  • Impact indicators
    can be quantitative or qualitative and typically assess the socioeconomic impacts of project interventions. Typically, these would be measured several years after project completion.

A baseline measurement is collected, either prior to or during the first year of a project. In some cases, these may come from secondary sources (e.g., carbon emissions), or they are collected by the project itself. CCA includes two complex concepts, vulnerability and resilience, that are typically measured by proxy or index indicators. Data collection for each type of indicator, bio-physical and socioeconomic, can be done through different methods, depending on the budget.

Box 7. Further reading about gender-related indicators